Supporter Opportunities

Become a Supporter and Enhance Your Conference Visibility

Are you interested in increasing your corporate exposure at Hot Topics in Neonatology®? We have numerous opportunities for you to support our educational programs.

Supporter packages start as low as $1,000 and offer a bundle of perks — including benefits that will promote your company to neonatal professionals from across the world at the in-person event, and with an extended reach with our virtual option.

All conference supporters are recognized in:

  • Conference announcements
  • On the conference website
  • From the podium during the conference
  • On-site conference signage

See the Exhibitor and Supporter Prospectus for the full list of supporter options and benefits offered for the full conference.


Meter Board Advertisement* | $1,000

Your company logo will be featured on a 38 inches by 87 inches directional meter board and featured in a high traffic flow area at the Marriot Marquis. Hot Topics will be responsible for printing this directional meter board with advertisement and the materials must be submitted for review and printing 30 days before the conference.

*Limited to two supporters.

NEW! Coffee Supporter* | $1,500

Your company logo imprinted on disposable coffee cups for attendees to use during breakfast, AM break or PM break of your choosing. Provides exposure during high traffic attendee times in the exhibit hall.

Sponsor to provide the disposable coffee cups and cover cost. 

*Limited to eight supporters.

Hotel Door Drop* | $2,500 — One piece, $3,500 — Two pieces

Hot Topics will distribute your product literature, sales brochures or other promotional materials to attendees’ hotel rooms so that your materials are at their door when they awaken in the morning. Materials must be preapproved and will be distributed only at the Marriott Marquis.

Sponsor provides the materials to Hot Topics. Hot Topics will make arrangements for hotel door drops.

*Limited to one door drop per day.

Reusable Water Bottles | $2,500

Your company logo imprinted on reusable bottles given to in-person conference attendees. Provides exposure throughout the week and after the conference as well.

Sponsor to provide water bottles and cover cost.

Conference Bags | $3,500

Your company logo featured alongside the conference logo on bags given to in-person attendees. Provides exposure throughout the week and after the conference as well. Opportunity to supply a small, branded insert for conference bags given to in-person conference attendees.

Sponsor to provide conference bags and cover costs.

Hotel Reservation Website Advertisement | $7,500

Clickable advertisement for your company on the Hot Topics housing registration website.

Supporter to provide graphic.

Attendee Internet Access | $15,000

Connect with attendees at the Marriott Marquis. Design a redirect splash page that will be seen on every in-person conference attendee’s Wi-Fi login page.

Supporter to provide graphic.

Platinum Supporter $50,000

Gold Supporter $25,000

Support the overall conference and help us deliver groundbreaking research to clinicians around the world. Includes:

  • Exclusive on-site signage
  • One banner ad in daily email sent to conference attendees
  • Complimentary Satellite Symposia time slot (Platinum)
  • Ten complimentary Hot Topics in Neonatology® registrations (Platinum)
  • Five complimentary Hot Topics in Neonatology® registrations (Gold)

Hot Topics Session Supporter

$5,000 & Up

Support one of the ten educational sessions that comprise the Hot Topics conference. Supporters will be limited to one per session. Final cost is based on the session selected. Supporters may select a session from the conference agenda. Includes:

  • Verbal recognition from podium at the start of supported session
  • Conference platform and Online syllabus recognition

For More Information

Questions and inquiries about support opportunities, contact